Oakwood Cemetery Board of Directors' Mission Statement

As a Cemetery Association founded on July 24, 1869 at W8285 State Hwy 33, located in Dodge County in the Township of Beaver Dam, Wisconsin, the Board of Directors of Oakwood Cemetery and Memorial Gardens through its policies and procedure; day to day operations and dedicated staff and employees strive to create a dignified and respectful environment for those who visit our Cemetery to honor the memory of a friend or loved one.  We are committed to tradition and stand for professionalism, discretion and personal support; we respect the wishes of the deceased and the bereaved and therefore address every concern as individually as possible.


We will never lose sight of our role as an understanding companion to you during your time of mourning.  Paying final respects to the deceased with dignity is as important to us as it is to the family and friends they have left behind.


We are committed to maintaining our facilities with the highest standards of care so that the memories of those interred may be visited in comfort and dignified respect.